Flying |
We imported ten of the very best Dales Ponies from the UK in February 1999; Two incredible DPS Approved Division "A" Stallions, Duke and Winston, both inky blue-black with no hint of bay in their coat. We also brought in eight purebred, black Division "A" Mares. We are currently the leading breeder of Dales in the United States with ten ponies. The ponies we selected all met the highest standards of the Dales Pony Society. They have the very best bloodlines and came from some of the finest breeders in the UK. We import only the best! The Dales Pony is known world over for its great versatility, and its very docile, gentle nature. They are refered to as "the great all-rounder." For more information as to the history of the breed, versatility, cross country trekking, jumping, driving, and all the other things these fine ponies do so well, visit, the website for the Dales Pony Society of America, Inc. The DPSA is the only recognized and accredited daughter organization of the DPS in UK, and the DPSA is the only registry for the Dales Ponies in the United States.
George "Bob"
Wagner Jr. & Fredericka Wagner Copyright © Flying W Farms |