

Sherman lives in the far north woods  of Alberta,
Canada with his owner Eric D.


Sherman and Eric, under the rainbow, gorgeous photo!

email update we received january 10, 2007

Hi Fredericka !                     
I hope this letter find you and your family in good health. The only baby in my life is still my little guy Sherman. O.K. not so little anymore but he seem to think he is a lap dog. He is getting big and so powerful, yet a real gentle giant. I could not imagine my life without him. People stop me at the supermarket, gas station and even traffic lights wanting to get a closer look at him. Attached you will find two  pictures of Sherman showing how big he is. That's me, Eric  and Sherman under the rainbow!
Keep in mind when looking at the ones of Sherman and me,  that I am 6'5" and 225 pounds.




Sherman at eight weeks with his gorilla!


(Eric's brother flew out to Ohio and took Sherman back with him on the plane.We received this email from Eric soon after they got home.)

Hi,  Fredericka, just a quick note to let you know how wonderful "Sherman" is.The little guy is a real trooper. His journey from your place to home (Cochrane, Alberta), required three separate flight's over a two day period. He never even cried or seemed uneasy. On the other hand, he did get an unbelievable amount of "he is so cute" from people. He is already a great companion. Thank you for letting him into my life.   Eric

SHERMAN, KING OF THE FOREST (at eight months)


January 11, 2005
Hello Fredericka ! I hope this note finds you and your family in good health. Just a few quick words to update you on Sherman (parents; Brego and Sophie). My little guy turned 11 months a few days ago and is tipping the scale at 169 pounds. A giant teddy bear with the curiosity of a 5 year old child. If he keeps up he may even outweigh me someday. I still pick him up in and out of the truck to the delight of bystanders. I figure doing so another few months. He is now the official mascot of all the construction projects I (we) supervise and a real head turner where ever we go. He is kind, good natured and always happy go lucky. Thanks again for the best friend I ever had.                                                               

Eric D. (Alberta,Canada)
PS. Attached are a few pictures. Keep in mind when looking at the ones of Sherman and me,  that I am 6'5" and 225 pounds.


George "Bob" Wagner Jr. & Fredericka Wagner
PO  Box 845  /  Piketon  /  Ohio  45661
Phone: 740-493-2401
Fax: 740-493-0072

Copyright © Flying W Farms