

Born on February 7, 2003, Ralph and Taffy are his parents

Milo Christmas 2007


(six months old in photos)

                                   December 19,2003

Hi Fredericka! 

Milo is doing wonderfully!!  He was born on February 7, 2003, Ralph and Taffy are his parents. Hes's just over 10 months old and he's around 150 pounds now and full of energy and life - boy is he ever.  He is such fun, he even attempts to hold conversations with us - especially when food is involved.  At the moment he is very focused on our Christmas tree and it's ornaments - we've had to rescue one or two just in the nick of time.  He is truly the most wonderful dog we have ever had and within the next year or so we are going to ask you to put us on your list for a sister for Milo.  I've taken more pictures of him since the last two I sent but those two are still our favorites so I'm going to resubmit them with some additional ones for the website.   My absolute favorite of the pics is the one where he is sitting in front of our sofa looking wistful HAHA...  Have a wonderful holiday!!!!!  

Sue R.


George "Bob" Wagner Jr. & Fredericka Wagner
PO  Box 845  /  Piketon  /  Ohio  45661
Phone: 740-493-2401
Fax: 740-493-0072

Copyright © Flying W Farms