
Marcus Aurelius

Birthday cakes for Marcus

Sent: Friday, July 03, 2009
Subject: Marcus Aurelius
Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me a couple weeks ago. It is great to know that not only did I get Marcus from you almost 8 years ago, but that I can also call you with questions still as Marcus is getting older. When he slipped on the concrete and fell it did give us a pretty bad scare. Marcus will be 8 in November and he is getting older  but is as sweet and loving as the day he  came home. We are trying the medication you suggested. My vet did not think we would get the response I was looking for, but he was willing to work with us after talking with you. We have seen vast improvements with his comfort and mobility. I would not quite call it a miracle drug, but it is improving the big guys quality of life. I know you
 always get the baby and puppy pics. also at times you get pictures of them near the end of their life. However, here are some pics of Marcus throughout his life. Hopefully it will still be a few years before we
 move him to the memorial side of your site. (Which I must say is a very sweet and wonderful idea for our beloved friends.) Marcus could not be anymore a part of the family if he were human. Over the years he has learned that the cake is his on his birthday.
 Please enjoy the pics.



Hi Fredericka,
Marcus is incredible. He is exceptionally well behaved at the Fire Department and is a perfect companion. At sixteen weeks
he is 60 pounds. He has mastered sit, shake, stay, lay down, and crawl not only with verbal requests, but hand signals as well.
Everyone is so impressed that at this young age I can tell him to stay, I can leave his sight, start a fire truck, come back into
the office and he has not budged! I tell everybody he is just that smart, it's not me.

Anyway, here are the pictures that I promised. There are six total that turned out really well. I figured you could take your pick
if you decided to use one or more on the website. (I hope you do!) If you do please let me know so that I can have some friends
check out my famous baby. He is truly a blessing.

Pictures were taken with Engine 401 and Rescue 4 at Tuscarawas Township Fire Department.

Thank you for everything!

From: "Chris"
Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 6:03 PM
Subject: Marcus Aurelius at 8 months

Hi Fredericka,
Marcus is doing quite well. I have only had one problem with him chewing, but I have to take partial responsibly for that. I shut both
of his chew bones in my bedroom.

Here are a couple new pictures of the baby in, what he thinks is, "his" car. It is amazing to walk him and have people comment on
what a big dog he is and then to see their expressions when I tell them he is still a puppy.

I am personally amazed at his level of concern for me. Marcus LOVES to be wet, play in the hose, and take showers. I thought, with
his apparent love of water that he would enjoy a baby pool to lay in when the weather is hot and we play in the yard. I later found
out that he is terrified of having his feet covered with water. With his apprehension, the next time I showered him I flipped the latch
and let the tub begin to fill. With a little over an inch in the tub he started to shake and was hustling to get out of the tub. I let the water
drain and he was having fun again. Well a week later I took him to a local swimming pool. He had been there before, but he has never
been allowed close to the water, health reasons, but has been great about sitting next to our stuff and I have had several friends to help
keep an eye on him. I was getting ready for a scuba trip and wanted to get my weight right with my new wet suit. As I was playing
around on the surface he was fine and sat there. When I went under my friend said he looked at the pool funny, cocked he head
sideways for a moment, then came running in after me! Thank god he can swim, he does not like it, but he can swim. He popped
to the surface and I was instantly under him to help him out.Needless to say I have not gone under water while he is around and as long
as he can see me he is perfectly content to sit in the grass and get love from me and
my friends.

I have actually considered getting him a sister, but that would also require a lager house. Possibly in the future.   :)

Enjoy the pictures and if you want to add them to the fire truck pictures that is fine.

I hope all is well with you.


George "Bob" Wagner Jr. & Fredericka Wagner
PO  Box 845  /  Piketon  /  Ohio  45661
Phone: 740-493-2401
Fax: 740-493-0072

Copyright © Flying W Farms