
Gracie S 2

Daughter of Neil-2 and Allie

Born in 2004




From: Michael
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Subject: Pictures of Gracie
Lucy and Fredericka
We got Gracie from you in December 2004 (Parents are Neil-2 and Allie) and feel very lucky to have such an amazing companion. 
She just turned 5 years old in October and is very healthy and happy.  Our 3 year old son and Gracie are inseparable. We both have been dog owners but nothing compares to this breed.  They are specials creatures.  My wife calls Gracie my tail, as I cannot go anywhere in the house without her being right behind me. We can't thank you enough for this amazing dog.
Warmest Regards,
Michael, Karen, Noah and Gracie


George "Bob" Wagner Jr. & Fredericka Wagner
PO  Box 845  /  Piketon  /  Ohio  45661
Phone: 740-493-2401
Fax: 740-493-0072

Copyright © Flying W Farms