

Gideon & Dixie Sue

*Note from Fredericka:  Peach is a a gorgeous Apricot "fluffy"  American mastiff; Fluffies are very rare but are seen now and then in most mastiff breeds. Fluffies are acceptable in the breed standard. (not considered a fault). Most folks want the smooth coat such as Cobbler has; But we do have folks who ask for a fluffy and are willing to wait as long as it takes to get one."

  View Peach's Page 



Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009
Subject: Peach and Cobbler update


I wanted to send you an update on our dogs, Peach (Lucy & Nigel) and Cobbler (Gideon & Dixie Sue).   Peach is perfectly content to just lay around in front of our fireplace, that seems to be “her spot”, occasionally she will decide to chase the cats a little, but the cats will either run away, or totally ignore her… she is not very intimidating! 

Cobbler on the other hand seems to be happiest when he is next to me.  If I am watching a movie, he is too… right next to me.  If I am in the kitchen cooking, he is either right next to me or lying down literally at my feet.  I love that we are so connected, but I can’t tell you the number of times I have tripped over the big lug!  I love him no matter what… like my kids, only Peach and Cobbler don’t ever talk back!  J  We are in the process of taking Cobbler to advanced private obedience training.  We are helping him become a PERFECT gentleman, and are going to have him get his Canine good citizen recognition.  Our trainer has several English mastiffs herself, so she really understands how to work with him.  I don’t think the trainer that did our puppy kindergarten really knew what to do with Cobbler… she just kept saying how big he was!  So we are definitely on the right track with him now, and our vet is still amazed at how big and beautiful and healthy he is in every way.  We just had him weighed last week, and he is 145 lbs.  He is very lean, so I expect the next year will only give us a little more height, but he should start filling out soon.  He looks so much like his dad (Gideon), the only difference is that Cobbler isn’t filled out yet.  He is such a gentleman when he takes treats and his favorite bait is French fries… we try not to indulge too much, but, since that’s really the only people food he gets, we figure its ok.

Thank you again for allowing us the privilege of adopting both our dogs from you… I can’t imagine our life without them.

Danielle, Jon, Canaan and Lily




Peach and Cobbler
Well here they are!  I finally got a new digital camera so I could send you some pictures of Peach (Nigel & Lucy) and Cobbler (Gideon & Dixie Sue). Maybe I would have been able to get a new camera sooner if Cobbler wasn't eating us out of house and home!  :) Just kidding!  But he is a growing boy!! Cobbler is about 7 1/2 months now, and at 7 months he weighed 110 lbs!!!  He is HUGE and AWESOME!  He is just as tall as Peach is now, but she still weighs more since he hasn't filled out this rate, he isn't going  to be done growing for a while, and that is just fine with me!  The bigger  the better.  He has such an incredible personality, and can be a comedian at times.  He also loves to snuggle with me.  He also follows Lily around the yard and house.  Since it has gotten warm, he would rather spend his  entire day sleeping under our flowering crabapple tree than be in the house, I can't say that I blame him...while Peach only wants to be outside for  potty and if we are out there...I guess she is just a girly girl and Cobbler is all boy!   I hope you can see just how gorgeous he is in these  pictures...he is just the most handsome dog I know...we can't go anywhere without people stopping to admire him!  He loves it!  Peach and him really get along  great. I hope you and your family are enjoying spring.



George "Bob" Wagner Jr. & Fredericka Wagner
PO  Box 845  /  Piketon  /  Ohio  45661
Phone: 740-493-2401
Fax: 740-493-0072

Copyright © Flying W Farms