


Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011

Subject: Re: BRINKS

Hello Fredericka~  Brinks is a big one year old as of December 31st, 2010!!  Here she is sitting pretty with her party hat!!  She has grown sooo big!  We are very happy with how she is maturing.  She's such a good girl and so beautiful as you can see!!  Brinks, along with our oldest daughter, are going to take part in this years 4-H dog program.  We are excited to see what it is all about and have our first meeting in a couple weeks!  Hope all is well and we will keep in touch!  Chris and Kat H.




Brinks is such a fun addition to our family.  We have enjoyed watching her grow from a little 15 lbs. puppy back on February 27th, 2010 to a 105 lbs. 7 month old.  Most of the time she's just laying around relaxing and letting any one of our 4 kids love on her.  She has about 3 explosions of energy per day and she loves to jump and spin in the air!  It's very exciting to watch, especially at her size!  She's the friendliest dog you'll ever meet.  She never meets a stranger, everyone is her friend!  When we walk her, which we do twice a day, she longs to meet everyone and every animal we pass, including squirrels and rabbits.  She is such a happy go lucky dog!  We just completed her beginner training and she did wonderful.  We look forward to advancing her training and making her a therapy dog.  She has the perfect personality for it.  We will keep you informed on her growing up and accomplishments.  We are very proud of her and we consider the American Mastiffs the kings and queens of all dogs!  We hope to add more of them to our family in the future.  Thanks for breeding such a great dog!
Chris and Kathrine H.

George "Bob" Wagner Jr. & Fredericka Wagner
PO  Box 845  /  Piketon  /  Ohio  45661
Phone: 740-493-2401
Fax: 740-493-0072


Copyright © Flying W Farms