


Subject: Abby, RIP
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014
From: Isaac
Dear Fredericka and Bob,

I am saddened to write to you that Abby was diagnosed with Nose and Sinus cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) several weeks ago, after months of the Vet being unsure what was causing her reverse sneezing and nasal drip. It metastasized rapidly, and when she was unable to breathe while lying down last week, we chose to end her suffering last Tuesday.

Abby lived far too short a life (just over seven years), but was the most noble, responsible dog I have ever had. She was fearless (literally), but never attacked another dog, even when provoked. She had a dry sense of humor and exuded kindness, especially to little children and babies, who she would watch protectively at the park.

It was always my dream to own a mastiff, and Abby was everything we hoped for and more. Kelli and I thank you for putting her in our lives.

Attached is a photo taken last Saturday of Abby with our family.







Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Subject: Abby in Minneapolis
Hi Bob and Fredericka! Wanted to send you recent photos of our wonderful Abby!  She is so great with kids and we couldn't love her more! It looks like her weight will top out around 170!
All the best,
Isaac and Kelli


George "Bob" Wagner Jr. & Fredericka Wagner
PO  Box 845  /  Piketon  /  Ohio  45661
Phone: 740-493-2401
Fax: 740-493-0072

Copyright © Flying W Farms