Good afternoon Fredericka and Robin,
Hope you ladies are doing well, staying healthy and enjoying life!
So sorry I haven’t been in touch for awhile! Been meaning to reach out to you ladies for awhile.... so, here we are.
Emmanuel is doing extremely well!
He is an ABSOLUTELY AWESOME puppy, to say the least !!!!!
He’s all up to date with vaccinations and check ups! A very healthy and happy dude for sure!
He’s currently enrolled in a basic puppy obedience class and is doing very well.
He truly is a magnificent looking dog.
Anyhow, this guy loves the water, we swim everyday, he’s a beast in the water, I swear he’s part River Otter!!
I’ll send you some video of him playing in the water one day!
Took these great photos and video yesterday when the Hurricane Henri was suppose to be hitting us.
I happen to be in the right place at the right time to get these great shots. He is an amazing dog, I couldn’t be happier with him. He keeps on growing and getting smarter !!! I call him “ Dogzilla” instead of “ Godzilla”..... we already know God is with him and us, his name is Emmanuel!
That Rainbow/American Flag photo would be a great picture for your web page if you’d like to use it.... just another 2 cents from my end!
Emmanuel sends his love and thanks to you ladies and says he is very happy living here with his crazy Italian human. We do love each other and make a very good team thus far!
Let me know how y’all are doing when you get a chance!
Our warmest regards,
Daniel and Emmanuel...

Good Evening ladies, I hope and trust you both remain healthy and are
doing well these days!
Emmanuel is doing absolutely wonderful ! He has proven himself to be a
truly incredibly well mannered, cooperative and loving puppy!
He told me in his own way, that he misses his Mom and Grandma very much
and thanks you, as I certainly do to.... for all the lovin, nurturance
and attention you provided him! He and I both know that he couldn’t have
started his life in a more loving and caring home than with you
I have to run right now, have to do an errand for a friend and feed the
little man... all 90 lbs. of him!!!! I do believe Emmanuel is going to
be one BIG DUDE!!!
Will get back to you in a day or do with a more detailed update on his
progress, vaccinations as, his overall temperament and disposition!
He’s a smart dude, I love him dearly, feel like we’ve been together for
a much longer time.... he and I are absolutely a team now.... a very
good team!
Have a good night, talk to you soon!
letter from puppy, Emmanuel:
Hi Moms,
Just wanted to say hi and that I miss ya’all a lot !
I’m doing very well, I love my new place and my new human! He’s not the
sharpest knife in the drawer, but he feeds me really well, talks to me
nice all the time, gives me endless lovin and attention. He takes me
everywhere and I get to meet a lot of different people and see different
places. He’s clipped my nails, I’ve been to the vet and am going back on
Sunday for an appt. to get a total check up etc. I’m getting bigger and
stronger every day!
I want to thank you for taking such good care of me when I was a little
dude. I ‘ll continue to send you pictures as I grow up to show you how
handsome and smart I’m becoming. So, gotta go, have a lot to do and
learn today...... I’ll make you ladies proud of me!
Oh yea m, my Human says hello and wishes you both well! He also
appreciates all you did for me !