Dear Fredericka:
I wanted to take the time to update you on our Therapy Dog that you so graciously donated to the Court. Moxie is now 4 years old and doing well. Moxie became a certified therapy dog and has assisted as comfort for a child when he testified about sexual abuse that he had endured, she visits children that are locked up in our detention center daily, and will be assisting a child who was accused of Murdering her own mother at a hearing this coming Monday. Recently, one of our workers suffered an injury to her foot and over the course of a number of days Moxie would see her and keenly sensed the injury and provided extreme comfort to that employee. The employee was so moved by the experience of Moxies keen senses, gentleness, and love that she went out of her way to let me know the great benefit Moxie is to our organization of over 200 employees. In addition to these few stories that come to mind, Moxie makes public appearances at locations where children that are in the system gather as well as takes part in our annual adoption day where 40-50 children get adopted.
Moxie has been a great blessing to all. Thank you so much.
Thomas P. Stefaniak, Jr.
Senior Judge
Lake County Superior Court, Juvenile Division